Our Team

Meet your property experts

Meet the dedicated team behind the hard-work and top-quality services offered at EST.8 Within the short period, we have diversified our portfolio to deliver some of the best Dubai property options for the home buyers and renters in Dubai, looking for the best property advice, rental deals and irresistible offers on property purchases.

Artboard 1team
Kathleen Grant
Kathleen Grant
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.
Artboard 4team
Keith Bailey
Keith Bailey
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.
Artboard 2team
Danielle Murray
Danielle Murray
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.
Artboard 3team
Thomas Stevens
Thomas Stevens
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada, odio sit amet pharetra vehicula, sapien leo egestas magna, vitae auctor diam magna cursus arcu.

A team of experts

Each segment of EST.8 is taken care of by dynamic leaders who are experts in various fields. We have a highly-skilled management team with professionals who are experienced in the Dubai real estate sector, the tourism industry, and others. Qualified in various domains and with the expertise in property marketing strategies, the team ensures that the buyers and the sellers can get the best value for the money spent.
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